Preparatory Course For Admission to Government Schools
Preparation classes to enter a Singapore Government School through the AEIS (Admissions Exercise for International Students) Exam Download Prospectus & FeesOur Satisfied Students & parents
Our dedicated teachers who truly care
5 reasons why Inspire is the right choice for helping your child
pass the AEIS exam

16 years experience of nurturing students since 2007

Dedicated teachers who truly care

Small conducive class size

Mock exams simulating actual AEIS exam format

Customised lessons after evaluation test
Course Info
- Who can enroll for the Course
- What subjects are offered
- Course duration
- Examination, assessment and results
Student enrolling must meet the following requirements:
- Be a Singaporean or Singapore PR.
- Or hold a Dependant’s Pass or Long-Term Visit Pass that is valid for the entire duration of the course if you are a foreign student.
- Not be a foreign student holding a student pass. (w.e.f. 15 November 2023)
- And meet the following age and language requirements:
- Preparatory Course for Admission to Government Schools (Secondary 1)
Age: 12 to 14+
Academic Level: Primary 6
English language requirement: A pass in Primary 6 English (in student’s respective school in his home country) or equivalent.
- Preparatory Course for Admission to Government Schools (Secondary 2)
Age: 13 to 15+
Academic Level: Secondary 1
English language requirement: A pass in Secondary 1 English (in student’s respective school in his home country) or equivalent.
- Preparatory Course for Admission to Government Schools (Secondary 3)
Age: 14 to 16+
Academic Level: Secondary 2
English language requirement: A pass in Secondary 2 English (in student’s respective school in his home country) or equivalent.
- English
- Mathematics
Course duration
- Lessons are during weekday afternoons.
Ongoing intake
- Course intake for AEIS exam preparation (March – August/September)
- Course intake for Supplementary AEIS exam preparation (August – January/February)
Full-time course
- Duration – 3h x 5 days x 6 months = 360h
- Contact hours – 3h x 5 days x 6 months = 360h
Course delivery
- Average teacher to student ratio 1:4 to 9
- Face-to-face and online classes
Internal Assessments:
English and Mathematics Placement Tests (first day) and written tests and mock exams at the end of the course.
External Examinations:
AEIS centralised tests will be held yearly in September and Supplementary AEIS in February. The actual dates will be announced by the Ministry of Education at
Expected examination results release date:
AEIS test results are released usually in December and Supplementary AEIS test results in April in the same year of the examination.
- Does a non-Singaporean student need to take AEIS?
Case 1: One of the student’s parents is a Singaporean married to a foreigner.
Answer: E.g. a Singaporean man is married to a Vietnamese and the step child is born in Vietnam.
The Singaporean parent can apply directly to a few government schools in Singapore because sometimes there is a waiting list. However, the child needs to take Entry tests in the respective school.
If the child is going for Primary 1 or 2, there are English and Mathematics Entry tests. If the child is going for Primary 3 to 5, there are entry tests in English, Mathematics and Science. If the student is going to secondary school, there are entry tests for Secondary English and Mathematics.
Admission Level in school depends on the results of the child.
Primary School
- If the child performs well and above average for the tests, he/she will be posted to the corresponding level of with respect to the age. E.g. a non-Singaporean student (an ex-student who took our Preparatory AEIS Course for a year) 7 years old took the English and Mathematics tests in January and got into Primary 2 in February.
- If the child performs average for the tests, he/she will be posted to one level lower, e.g. a 11 or 12 years old will be posted to Primary 4.
Secondary School
- If the student performs well and above average for the tests, he/she will be posted to the Express course (4 years).
- If the student performs average or poorly for the tests, he/she will be posted to the Normal Academic (NA) course (4-5 years) or Normal Technical (NT)course (5 years).
Case 2: Both parents of the child are PR’s.
Answer: The parents can apply directly to a few government schools for direct entry, but again, the child needs to take the entry tests, same as Case 1.
Case 3: Both or one parent/s of the child is/are working in Singapore but are on WP/SP/EP passes.
Answer: The child is required to take the AEIS test.
- Does a returning Singaporean student who has lived abroad for a few years need to take the AEIS test?
Answer: Yes. The returning Singaporean student will take an English and Mathematics test called SPERs and this test is identical to the AEIS. However, Singaporean students will be given first priority when posting to the primary or secondary schools. There is a chance of getting into the better schools or top schools if the student aces the test. But if the student performs only average scores, he/she can be posted e.g. to the Normal Academic (NA) course.
- When can I start?
Answer: You can start anytime. There is no start date for this AEIS preparatory course. However, we advise a minimum of 3 months to complete the lessons.
- What are the days and time for your classes?
Answer: Lessons are during weekday afternoons.
- How many students are there in the class?
Answer: Classes have an average of 4-8 students.
- What are your fees payable for the preparatory course for AEIS / SPERS?
Answer: Please contact us for the latest course fees.
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